Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

The new Gorillaz album Plastic Beach is awesome.

I've been digging these guys ever since my sister came back from England and wouldn't shut up about them until I listened.

Plastic Beach might just be their best one yet.  I can't stop listening.

You've got that good Blur euro-trash sound, you've got electronic synth going on, and you've got hip-hop.  That's my tri-fecta right there.

One of the best parts of Plastic Beach?  You've got a song they do with De La Soul.  I love De La Soul.

Anyway, check it out. It's fun and will be my soundtrack this summer.

Here's a little something to keep you happy in the meantime. Stylo Video

Guest vocals: Mos Def.

Posted by jason | at Thursday, March 11, 2010


Mateo Martinez said...

tell me, how are you going to have a character named 2D in 3 dimensional animation! Just kidding, that's such a cool video and a awesome song!