What a weekend of skating.

This was quite a 4th of July weekend.

Aside from my mom taking our whole family to Lion King (which was incredible) and being able to see the PDX fireworks from about 200 yards from the launching site, I was able to get out and skate a bit.

I decided that I need to put together a skate video for myself.  

I sat down and wrote out the list of parks and spots I want to film at and what tricks I wanted to do at each place.

Then we went out skating.

Location: McMinnville
Mission: Carve over the mousehole.

A giant doorway (mousehole) is cut out of the deep end of a bowl.  It's about 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide.

You have less than a foot of clearance above the door in which to carve over.

If you mess up, you get wrecked as you fall down and sideways... as seen in this picture:

It was the first time in a long time that I was actually scared about hurting myself.  

Which of course made me want to do it all the more.

Which I did.

That was Friday.

Then Sunday came and it was time to go to Vancouver.

Location: Vancouver
Mission: Drop into vert, air over hip.

Vancouver is a scary park. Very big, very deep, very fast.  The design for it was really ruled by the BMX community as they showed up en masse during the build phase.

I decided that this was the day for my first vert drop in. Jaqui and the kids happened to come along too in order to play at the playground.

I texted Jaqui: "Want to see me drop into vert?"

She came over and then this happened.

And of course I also did a frontside air over the hip.

Both missions accomplished.

I have checked these off my list and will now begin my next plan of attack.

I can't believe I have to sit in an office when it's so beautiful outside and I have so much skating to do!

Posted by jason | at Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Mateo Martinez said...

Good job. Just thinking about skating lately makes me cringe (old man self preservation). And skating vert I couldn't even begin to work up that courage...

jason said...

Actually, I think you would surprise yourself. If I can work up to doing this, anyone can. I'll make a blog post today talking about it.