Stop the RIAA - Interesting post

Disclaimer: As promised, I'm not going to be doing political posts on this blog. This isn't a political post. It's not about politics, it's about the music industry.

I didn't write this, but I think it's an interesting challenge to bring true change to the music industry.

I've given up on complaining to congress. They don't even listen when you threaten to have them voted out. Money talks in Washington and if you don't have money you aren't heard. I can't tell you how many times I've emailed congress (literally thousands of times) about various issues where I wasn't in the minority (or at least, the mostly non-vocal) with the position I held and I get the same old tired form response with a few key phrases tossed it to make it look like they even care.

Want to fix this? Stop buying RIAA member's products. If that means giving up your favorite bands, so be it. I'm willing to go completely indy (or even music-less) if it means someone finally listens.

Don't give the RIAA your money. Don't go to concerts by member bands. Don't engage in gross copyright infringement of their members (or at all, really). The NMPA hasn't been hurt by this. They just want a piece of what they see as the gravy train. They are just another four-letter abbreviation.

Stop consuming (this encompasses illegal downloading as well as legitimate purchases) products from their members, too. Turn to indy bands who have trader-friendly and file-sharing friendly policies. Turn to indy labels who have the same. Support those who support your point of view.

Lobby the bands instead of congress. Enough people telling them that they will not consume their product at all will get them to change their point of view rather quickly. No music artist wants to be poor and destitute. No group can have concerts if no fans will show up.

This is a two-way street. If consuming their products lets them keep the old way of doing things, stop consuming their products.

Posted by jason | at Thursday, June 17, 2010


Mateo Martinez said...

Sounds good. It seems that there are a few artists already trying to do things their way... if you look at Trent Reznor's new project or what Amanda Palmer is doing it seems like a step in the right direction.

PS. visit to listen to Amanda Palmer cover Radiohead, sounds good. She's taking 49 cents a download. .09 goes to radiohead the other .40 goes to paypal if you'd care to donate more she gets that...